Translators Are Important to the Next Move of God

In November last year, the prayer room moved to our church building for a few days so we could do maintenance on our prayer room building. I took a phone call and was wandering upstairs. Suddenly, I realized where I was—I saw signs for multiple language groups that week after week we translate for. I began to realize the scope of the impact of the ministry I am involved in. Each translator represented entire people groups that are being engaged with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I could feel Jesus’ joy at what they do! I asked them if I could make a video about the impact they are making and share it with my partners. They agreed. You can watch it on our website. Little did I know that God was using this to prepare me!

Coordinating Translators all Over the World for the Isaiah 62 Fast

Two months ago, I was approached by the leaders of the Isaiah 62 Fast to help coordinate translation for our website. Over the course of several weeks, I have been working with many leaders all over the earth to find native speakers to translate this website into 80 languages! I have never in my life engaged with so many different nations. It was hard work but well worth it to know that all these nations have now heard a little more about God’s heart for the Jewish people. At least two Muslims were involved in translating. One of them was left in tears by what they read. I am praying for these two people to find Jesus! I felt like every translation we gathered was an act of intercession for each of the people groups! 

However, I am not stopping until I get over 100 languages! I want this to be a witness to the Jewish people of how many nations are standing with them. Do you know someone who speaks another language or have any tips on how we could get there? Let me know if so!

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