After much prayer and the leading of the Holy Spirit, our family has decided to transition back to the Global Prayer Room from Hope City. We are really sad to be leaving our family that we have served with for the past five years in the inner city.
During three weeks when Hope City and the entire city shut down in February due to COVID my wife and I were stuck at home. We had set our heart to a 40 day Daniel Fast and media fast with Lou Engle and many leaders all over America for our nation. We had no idea that the last half of the fast we would be stuck at home completely isolated from the rest of the world with nothing to do but pray and seek God. During that time, my wife handed me a movie called “The Field of Dreams”. She said she felt like we should watch this movie even though we are fasting media. After watching the movie, my heart was exploding with potential. What could God be calling my family into in this next season? What was ahead for us? We began to pray and dream again of impacting this next generation with the values that were set in our hearts during our twelve years on the Nightwatch. After confirmation really from both leadership teams of Hope City and IHOPKC (though Hope City might have been kicking and screaming a little bit because they like us lol) we decided to jump! On June 26th, I led my last set at Hope City and with tears disbanded my worship team.
Since then, Theresa has begun prayer leading in the prayer room and I have been filling in leading worship, singing and playing keys while I wait to land in my permanent assignment. It has been a difficult few months waiting and even questioning if we really heard the Lord. After much soul searching for both of us we have set our hearts to jump into this next assignment no matter what “position” we are given. Ultimately my wife and I both moved here to be Anna’s (Luke 2:36-38) and Mary of Bethany’s (John 12) before Him to cry out in intercession and sit at His feet. We will keep you updated on what assignment we end up being given but in the mean-time know that we are working hard to build the house of prayer for the nations of the earth! Of course, as our jobs land we will figure out how we can continue serving in the inner city (our hearts still burn for the poor, drug addict and even more so for our CLOSE family that we developed there) but we are setting our hearts to give our strength to building IHOPKC’s Global Prayer Room in South KC for this next season. Thank you for your prayers for us and for your faithful partnership and for believing in us. This has been a difficult year for so many of us. But as Lisa Stribling (director of Hope City) told me earlier this year, “It is not a crisis, it is is an opportunity.” Those words keep burning inside of me! May we take this opportunity and use it for the sake of the Kingdom and all that Jesus wants to accomplish in these days!