Jesus All For Jesus

Jonathan Baldwin

We have been stirred lately to see Jesus be the center of our lives. Paul said, “For I determined to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ, and Him crucified.” (1 Cor 2:2) Many are saying we as a church need to be more relevant or we need to adapt our message to changing times. […]


Celebrating 20 Years of IHOPKC

Jonathan Baldwin

We just had our 20th anniversary of when the house of prayer in Kansas City began. We did a lot of reflecting back, remembering all God has done and also things He has spoken and promised. Reflecting stirred up our faith to believe again that God will bring to pass all He has spoken and […]


Unplanned Movie

Jonathan Baldwin

God Says, “I Don’t Just Want to Save Babies from Abortion I Want to Save Abortion Workers From Abortion.” Recently, our Hope City staff, interns, and addiction recovery program went to go see a new movie about the story of Abby Johnson a Planned Parenthood clinic director who found freedom from abortion. One of my […]


Graduating to the Prayer Meeting in Heaven

Jonathan Baldwin

A few months ago at Anna Club, one of our faithful intercessors shared that she had received a pamphlet in the mail from a friend that encouraged her to say to the Lord, “I, Vicky, am precious to the Lord.” She encouraged all of us to say the same. We did together and felt the […]


Praying for the Sick & Oppressed in the Inner City

Jonathan Baldwin

For the past two years, I (Jonathan) have been able to join Lee Harms and his team seeing the sick healed and those oppressed with tormenting spirits set free. We regularly see sick bodies healed! Back pain, joint problems, and stroke effects are just some of the things I have personally seen the Name of […]


Anna Club is Growing!

Jonathan Baldwin

Our nursing home ministry has been growing! IHOPKC’s Pastoral Ministry recently established a hospitality division, which includes hospital and nursing home visits. Since we already had a connection to the nursing home, they connected with us! We are so thankful for more helpers as at least one volunteer joins us Thursdays for Anna Club each […]


Help Hope City Bring Food & Shelter to the Needy

Jonathan Baldwin

What will you be having for dinner this holiday season? Will your table be filled with friends, family and joy? Will you have plenty to eat and a safe place to call home? In our inner cities, there are many families who will have nothing to eat this Christmas. Instead of a table filled with […]


The Last Onething Conference

Jonathan Baldwin

Recently, God began to speak to the leadership at IHOPKC about a “reset”. God is calling us to prioritize our call to 24/7 prayer with worship and growing together as family. In light of that, leadership has decided that this will be our last conference for the next several years.  As the years have unfolded […]


We Got Our Mini-Van! Right in Time For…

Jonathan Baldwin

We are thrilled that we were able to get a 2017 Toyota Sienna Mini-Van! We ended up finding an incredible deal. It is basically a new vehicle with only 58,000 miles on it. We never dreamed that we would be able to get something this new. Thank you so much for making this possible! It […]


Hosting Leaders from the Underground Church in China

Jonathan Baldwin

Recently we hosted over 1000 Chinese leaders from the underground church in China as well as our nation at our Converge Conference. They flew in from mainland China at their own expense because they believe that God wants the message of night and day prayer to go all over China. Many of them have watched […]