Leading the Nations in Prayer

Theresa Baldwin

Recently, I (Theresa) started prayer leading in the Global Prayer Room in an official capacity! It has been great to work with worship teams again. I haven’t done as much of that the last few years while I’ve been busy with all the babies! I love praying the prayers in the Bible and using scripture […]


Filling in Leading Worship at IHOPKC

Jonathan Baldwin

Jonathan has had a lot of opportunities to lead worship at the main campus of the International House of Prayer. Because some of these prayer meetings have been later in the evening, the boys and I (Theresa) have stayed home watching “daddy” on tv in our pj’s or as we are getting ready for bed. […]


The Hour is Critical- We Must Pray for President Trump

Theresa Baldwin

God raises up kings and tears them down (Dan 2:21) and He turns the hearts of kings in whatever direction he wants like channel of waters (Prov 21:1). Jesus is involved in the leaders of nations and uses them for His will. The Bible also tells us to pray for those in authority. And who […]


We Must Hear His Voice

Theresa Baldwin

Many have asked us how IHOPKC is responding to the multiple crises facing our nation. We continue praying without ceasing for revival, for mercy, for the black community, for healing signs and wonders, and for the church to be conformed to the image of Christ, and for Jesus to be glorified in all things. There […]


What does prayer actually do?

Jonathan Baldwin

During this crisis, my wife and I have been challenged by the simplicity of our job to pray for our nation. At the beginning of all of this, only the worship team was able to be in the prayer room and Theresa and I were stuck at home praying with three screaming boys three years […]


Our Response to Covid-19

Jonathan Baldwin

Feeding the Poor at Hope City Despite our community not being able to come into the building, we have been able to distribute groceries to over 700 families at Hope City’s door every week! While wearing masks and gloves, we have been placing groceries into the hands of our community, as well as handing out […]


Pray for the Elderly

Jonathan Baldwin

Last week, we received a text from the nursing home with this sign. They have now closed down the nursing home from any visitors including ministers. Please pray for the elderly during this difficult time as they are isolated from their families and from our weekly prayer and worship time we bring to them every […]


Could Roe vs. Wade Be Overturned Next Month?

Jonathan Baldwin

On March 4th, the Supreme Court is deciding on a Louisiana law requiring doctors to have admitting privileges at hospitals. This law would provide an easy transfer should something go wrong in the abortion. Texas put forward a similar law several years ago. It closed down 60% of the clinics in the state until the […]


A Miracle of Restoration

Jonathan Baldwin

I (Theresa) first met Brittney a few years ago. We were both pregnant at the time she came to do our trade off program, TOP, at Hope City. Due to unstable housing, drug abuse, and domestic violence her children were in the care of the state. As she started working with an advocate to help […]


You Are a Part of a Global Symphony of Prayer

Jonathan Baldwin

When you give yourself to prayer you are a part of an eternal, unbroken, global prayer meeting. This prayer meeting is bigger than we are. It will bring about the very return of our Lord bringing justice to every nation and will break every chains of the oppressed.