Our nation and our cities desperately need a cry of intercession going before the throne of God. What if that could be you? What if you could be the answer to a prayerless nation?
God’s heart of intercession is consumed for His people. Day and night He is crying out to His Father for us! We are privlidged to join with Him in that cry as we partner with Him in intercession.
Can we REALLY teach end times to children? Isn’t it too scary? Are there parts of the Word of God that we should censor from little guys? Theresa tackles this topic in her last children’s training video.
Children are like wet cement. It is so important that they have in their foundation a firm conviction that they are loved by God. Theresa in her second video shares how she has taught children about the love of God for years working in IHOPKC’s Children’s Equipping Center.
The Holy Spirit is orchestrating a Global Prayer Movement and He longs that children would be at the forefront of that movement! In Kansas City we believe there is no junior Holy Spirit and that God wants to engage children in prayer now! Over the next three videos Theresa will be showing us how to […]
As a church, how do we respond with so many sick around us? How do we carry our hearts when Jesus told us to lay hands on the sick and they will recover? God has an answer for society right now. He longs to pour out the power of the Holy Spirit to bring healing […]
The Bible tells us not to forsake assembling together (Heb 10:25). But it also tells us to be subject to the governing authorities (Romans 13). So what do we do right now? How do we walk out these two commands in tension?
After much prayer and the leading of the Holy Spirit, our family has decided to transition back to the Global Prayer Room from Hope City. We are really sad to be leaving our family that we have served with for the past five years in the inner city. During three weeks when Hope City and […]
Some believers lately, because of the pressure of this particular election cycle to justify their departure from wickedness within the Republican party, have said the Bible does not condemn abortion. Since the Lord touched my heart deeply so many years ago (and has continued to), I want to bring the Church back to the Word […]
We have never had such an open window for the overturning of Roe vs. Wade and the returning of abortion laws to the states as we do right now! A few months ago, I (Jonathan) had to give you the disappointing news that the Supreme Court ruled against Louisiana’s law to limit abortion in their […]