Report from the Silent Siege: Planned Parenthood, Lufkin, TX

Jonathan Baldwin

Anywhere from thirty to fifty people gathered daily in silence August 1st-5th crying out for God to rescue the unborn in Lufkin from the wickedness of Planned Parenthood. Partnering with Lufkin for Life and several local pastor and leaders I believe we saw a significant beginning of the end of this clinic’s negative influence in […]


Silent Siege Planned for August 1st-5th Planned Parenthood, Lufkin

Jonathan Baldwin

During the 22 day Silent Siege last May, while praying in silence in front of a Planned Parenthood Abortion Clinic here in Kansas City, I began to dream about doing a Silent Siege in my hometown, Lufkin, TX. As I stood in front of that clinic in Kansas City that is responsible for the deaths […]


Report from the Silent Siege: Planned Parenthood, Overland Park, KS

Jonathan Baldwin

It’s 5:35 pm on Friday, May 13th. I am standing in front of Planned Parenthood in Overland Park, KS praying silently that the killing of innocent babies in this place would end. It is day seven of our 22 day “Silent Siege”. There have been anywhere from 30-200 people praying at a time outside of […]


22 Day Silent Prayer Siege

Jonathan Baldwin

Planned Parenthood, Kansas City Another Silent Siege? Back in December I went for a couple of days to visit my Grandfather and to minister at his church in a small Texas town. During this time I was debating in my heart whether to stay in Kansas City or to go back to Washington, DC and […]


Silent Siege: Planned Parenthood Overland Park, KS

Jonathan Baldwin

May 7th-28th Bound4LIFE, Kansas City will be doing a Silent Siege in front of the Planned Parenthood abortion clinic in Overland Park, KS. Just like at the Supreme Court last year, many from all over Kansas City will stand and pray in front of this clinic with red tape over their mouths that says LIFE […]


Supreme Court Denies Re-Opening Roe vs. Wade

Jonathan Baldwin

I must sadly report that February 22nd the Supreme Court Justices announced with no comment the denial of Norma McCorvey’s (the Roe of Roe vs. Wade) Writ of Certiorari to re-open Roe vs. Wade. Allen Parker, McCorvey’s Attorney, said, “It is tragic and disappointing that the Court is not willing to consider the aftermath of […]


McCorvey vs. Hill Abortion Case

Jonathan Baldwin

On January 18th the Supreme Court received Norma McCorvey’s (the Roe of Roe vs. Wade) Writ of Certiorari to re-open her case as McCorvey vs. Hill. On Friday the 18th of this month the judges will decide whether they will hear this case. We should know the outcome by the 22nd. I will send the […]


Roe vs. Wade Might be Re-Opened If We Pray!!

Jonathan Baldwin

On January 18th the Supreme Court will receive a proposal to re-open the Roe vs. Wade case. It is time to pray like never before! Norma McCorvey (the Roe of Roe vs. Wade) became a Christian a few years ago. She now has a lawyer, Allen Parker, who has submitted their case to the Supreme […]


Journey of Justice for the Unborn with Lou Engle 2004

Jonathan Baldwin

This year God’s supernatural grace and love motivated me to do things that I have never done before. I stand amazed at a God who chose to take me on this incredible journey of intercession changing the course of our nation… A Call to Prayer: Kansas City, MO I feel as if I will be […]


Talking on the Radio and Singing in a Restraunt About the Ending of Abortion

Jonathan Baldwin

In the Studio On KAVX 91.9’s Morning Show (listen to a recording of the show) I flew from DC to be in Texas from November 4th-17th. God opened many doors for me to communicate what God did while we prayed in Washington, DC with The Cause. First, I got to share and lead worship at […]