Doe v. Bolton Abortion Case

Jonathan Baldwin

Sandra Cano (Doe) Appeals to Have Her Case Reversed On July 31st Sandra Cano, the Doe of Doe v. Bolton, will be submitting a “Rule 60 Motion” to have her case reversed. The Supreme Court will then decide most likely by October 12th whether they will take this important case. Doe v. Bolton, decided on […]


The Smoky Mountains of Tennessee Declare the Glory of God

Jonathan Baldwin

Last month on a short two-day solitude retreat in the Smoky Mountains, I looked upon the breathtaking landscapes that unfolded in front of me and my prayer to the Lord was, “Oh if these mountains are this glorious, how glorious must You be?” I began to contemplate that all of creation exists to shout of […]


IHOPKC Missions Base Fulfilling the Great Commission Through Prayer

Jonathan Baldwin

Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.” (Matthew 9:37-38, ESV) Ever since I was 16 and I stepped on the foreign soil of Panama, I have had a belief and a […]


Houses of Prayer: Worshiping the Lord Impacting the Cities of the Earth

Jonathan Baldwin

It is amazing to watch the Lord’s unfolding of this global prayer and worship movement. I am amazed as I watch new Houses of Prayer being raised up all over this nation: IHOP, Atlanta (now 24/7); The Justice House of Prayer (JHOP) in Washington, DC; The Zadok House of Prayer in Charlotte, NC (16 hours […]


Support Raising & Ministry Trip Lufkin, Texas

Jonathan Baldwin

January 21st-31st I went to my hometown of Lufkin, TX to share with people this vision of prayer and worship inviting them to be a part through giving monthly, giving a special gift, or by praying for me regularly. Thanks to many people’s hard work and the grace and favor of God, I came back […]


10,000 Young Adults Gather for the One Thing Conference

Jonathan Baldwin

On December 28th-31stnearly 10,000 young adults gathered in Kansas City for our annual One Thing Conference. The goal of the conference is to equip a generation to have the same cry David had in Psalm 27:4, “One thingI have desired of the Lord, that will I seek: that I may dwell in the house of […]


2005 Year End Report

Jonathan Baldwin

In June of last year I began full-time ministry as an “intercessory missionary” joining about 400 other missionaries at the International House of Prayer Missions Base in Kansas City. This past year, the Lord has answered many of our cries to heaven as we lift our voices, while others are sleeping, during the Night Watch. […]


Haunted House Outreach

Jonathan Baldwin

Last month the IHOP Mission Base had its annual Halloween outreach. We partnered with Solomon’s Porch, a church in downtown Kansas City, to put on the production of a reality based haunted house. After fourteen evenings of ministry we saw around 3200 people walk through the terrifying Haunted house. Out of those 3100 received a […]


Silent Siege, Supreme Court in Washington, DC

Jonathan Baldwin

This month I joined my covenant brothers and sisters in Washington, DC praying for the ending of abortion and for revival to come to our nation. We began Monday, October 3rd, the opening day of the Supreme Court and our one year anniversary of the Silent Siege, praying in silence for the ending of abortion. […]


90% of New Orleans Lies Underwater We Must Fast & Pray for Mercy

Jonathan Baldwin

Like never before, we stand in a time in need of prayer. As ninety percent of New Orleans lies underwater, like never before we must fast and pray for mercy. News reports told of a gay-rights parade termed “Southern Decadence” scheduled for the square of New Orleans just two short days after the hurricane submerged […]