Crying Out for Justice for those Enslaved by Human Trafficking

Jonathan Baldwin

Every year all over the world four million women and children are trafficked for purposes of forced prostitution, labor, and other forms of exploitation. Over one million children enter the sex trade every year. Relying on research from the Central Intelligence Agency, the State Department estimates there are at least 50,000 human trafficking victims brought […]


IHOPKC Prayer Room Will Be Broadcast Worldwide on GOD TV

Jonathan Baldwin

God has placed before the IHOP Missions Base an open door to see the Kingdom of God increase as the message of night and day prayer and worship goes to the ends of the earth. Recently, the Lord put our ministry into connection with a Christian television network called GOD TV. Beginning in 1995 in […]


Fire in the Night Internship: Impacting Young Adults from all Over the World

Jonathan Baldwin

Many young adult’s lives are changed every three months as they go through our Fire in the Night Internship. These young adults are immersed in the prayer room six hours a night, six days a week. They also receive teaching several hours a week and are involved in various mission-related activities around the IHOP Missions […]


Onething Conference Broadcast Worldwide

Jonathan Baldwin

This year our annual young adults’ conference had an added dimension of ministry as GOD TV broadcast the evening sessions to their worldwide network. GOD TV broadcasts on 15 satellites reaching over 400 million people, in more than 200 nations and territories covering the USA, Europe; Africa; Asia; Australia; and an Internet web cast at […]


IHOPKC Missions Base: Seven Years of Prayer Impacting the Nations of the Earth

Jonathan Baldwin

Seven years ago, September 19th, 1999, the International House of Prayer began a prayer meeting that has never stopped. Inspired by the Tabernacle of David that ministered to the Lord “continually” (1 Chron. 16:37), we feel, in our day, “the fire on the altar” must not go out (Lev. 6:13). In this critical hour of […]


South Dakota: Warring in prayer for LIFE

Jonathan Baldwin

With so many possibilities these past two months to see the laws changed, we have focused much of our prayers on the ending of abortion. As many of you know, SD voters turned down a measure that would have ended abortion in their state. Though deeply disappointed with this outcome, I am resolved to keep […]


IHOPKC Celebrates 7 Years of 24/7 Prayer

Jonathan Baldwin

On May 7th, 1999, I gathered together a few singers, musicians and worship leaders to launch a prayer meeting in an old trailer. We affectionately referred to it as the “Bethlehem Stable” because we knew that God uses humble beginnings to birth things dear to His heart. By September 19th, 1999, the Lord had brought […]


Ministry in Churches Across East Texas

Jonathan Baldwin

Over 250 hearts were touched with the message of worship and prayer on this past ministry trip through East Texas. I ministered at five churches leading worship and preaching. During the trip, we also stood in silent prayer outside of Planned Parenthood in Lufkin, Texas. This “Silent Prayer Siege” was small but I know it […]


IHOP Prayer Room Broadcasted Worldwide to Over 500 People Daily

Jonathan Baldwin

All over the world people are joining us in prayer and worship via our new Web Cast. In addition, about 30 houses of prayer supplement their prayer meetings by projecting ours when they do not have worship teams available. It has amazed me to think that when my worship team is leading a set that […]


Contending in Prayer for Signs and Wonders

Jonathan Baldwin

Say to those with anxious heart, “Take courage, fear not. Behold, your God will come with vengeance; the recompense of God will come, but He will save you. Then the eyes of the blind will be opened and the ears of the deaf will be unstopped. Then the lame will leap like a deer, and […]