It’s hard to believe it’s been over a decade that I (Theresa) taught children’s ministry in any official teaching capacity! It was my life for so many years. Seeing the surmounting pressures and troubles in our world, I feel burdened more than ever to gain clarity and understanding in God’s Word, and to be able to be a faithful messenger to to this next generation and especially my children.
In March, IHOPKC began a new program called school of messengers. I felt drawn to do the school, and I agreed to learn a new skill to run the zoom camera for the school. It’s a 3-day intensive each month and equips and teaches how to be a messenger for the times we live in, and the things that are to come. I love how technology has made it possible to make it interactive for both those who attend in person and for those who attend online simultaneously. This course is for anyone, pastors, leaders, mothers, small group leaders, etc.
Besides giving me a greater respect for Jonathan’s videography skills from having to learn the basics of running a camera, I also feel invited by the Lord to continue my end-times children’s curriculum I began years ago when I taught in our Children’s Equipping Center, starting with the book of Revelation. My litmus test for if I’ve gotten clarity on a Bible passage is whether I can teach it to young children. Revelation is all about showing us more about Jesus, and it’s not beyond a child’s or anyone’s ability to grasp. One of my favorite places to begin teaching is the part where John sees Jesus, is greatly afraid, and falls down as though dead. Jesus comes up to him & places his hand on his right shoulder and says, “Do not be afraid!” I picture this moment personally whenever I feel afraid or overwhelmed. Developmentally, young children are beginning to grapple with fears and being fearful and needing to know they are safe. Knowing God will never leave nor forsake them and will help them not to be afraid is a powerful lesson for young children to learn.
September’s school of messengers is going to be focused on the practicals of leading and teaching the end-times as it applies to believer’s practical lives, whether to a congregation or to a small group, house church, your family etc. To be a part either in person or online, visit ihopkc.org/som
You can access my teaching lesson on Revelation 1:17-18 below. No teaching experience is necessary because the way I wrote it it can be used as a script. It comes along with supplemental visuals and crafts for different age groups.
Revelation 1.17-18 Teaching for Children