When I was in the second grade, the Lord began to draw my heart deeply to Himself. I began to read the Word, mostly the Psalms and Revelation. I began to write songs from the Scriptures I read. Since then, I have written nearly a hundred songs. I believe my primary ministry mandate is to study the Word and out of this place of understanding, write songs that lead God’s people to His passion and love for them.
As I traveled the nation with Lou Engle and a group of 70 young people in 2004, we stopped in Cincinnati, OH at the home of Harriet Beecher Stowe (pictured at the top of the page–I’m on the far right). She wrote the book Uncle Tom’s Cabin, which brought awareness of the plight of slaves in America and changed the heart of the nation. We prayed in her backyard for God to do the same thing in our day: to move through books, songs, movies, and the arts to end abortion in America. I made this prayer personal, asking God to give me songs that would end abortion in America.
A few weeks later, God quickly answered my prayers. As I stood in front of the Supreme Court building with LIFE tape over my mouth, I heard a song in my head: “Can you hear the sound of Heaven? / It’s breaking into the earth / It’s falling down like rain / And their voices will be heard in our silence.” I later named this song “Voiceless”. Since that time, I have written two others songs related to the ending of abortion, “Mighty Warrior” and “Where is the Moral Outcry?”
I have approached a music producer in Kansas City about producing a full-length studio recording with these songs and others that I have written.
This amazing opportunity stands before me. A s a missionary raising all my own support, this project requires more finances than I have! I need about $12,000 to pay for the studio time, production, musicians, mixing, engineering, duplication, etc. I have raised most of this amount already. Only $1,000 remains. Would you consider giving towards this project? I need gifts both large and small. Also, once the project is finished I will send a free CD to everyone who gives towards the CD. I also need much prayer, especially as we move towards the studio. Would you please consider making this a matter of regular prayer? I appreciate you so much! With your prayers and financial support, I know this project will be a success.