At this present moment, the second largest abortion facility in the world, next to China, is being built in Houston, Texas. This six-story, 78,000 square foot, Planned Parenthood abortion “Super Center” is right in the middle of four minority neighborhoods. Three of these neighborhoods average an 85% Hispanic population and the fourth is 80% Black American. Planned Parenthood is targeting these minority communities and families to fuel their abortion industry.
Thirty-seven years ago abortion was legalized in Texas; now let it begin to be reversed there! We are calling for the pro-LIFE people of Houston and America to gather Sunday night, January 17th, 2010 from 6:00pm to 11:00pm at Grace Community Church for TheCall. We will unify with one voice before God to pray for the Luke 1:17 answer to the killing of our babies and the wounding of our women – “And he will also go before Him in the spirit and power of Elijah to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children …”
Dreaming of Another Birmingham Flashpoint in Houston
On Martin Luther King Jr.’s holiday, January 18th, 2010, at 9:30am thousands of us along with key Black-American and Hispanic leaders will gather to march silently, pray, fast, and peacefully witness against this massive abortion facility. Afterwards, we will hold a National Press Conference. Who knows? Even as Birmingham, Alabama was a flashpoint for the Civil Right’s Movement perhaps Houston could become a flashpoint for the unborn. We believe it is time to “subpoena the conscience” of the nation against this facility that our nation may be healed.
Jeremiah 1:5 says, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you.” Clearly, for every child God has a dream. Martin Luther King, Jr. cried, “I have a dream!” His niece Alveda King has prophetically stated, “How can the dream live as long as we kill our children?” God also has a dream for America, and a massive six-story abortion facility has never been a part of that dream. Let the nightmare end, and let the dream live.