For the past two months, I have been working with First Haitian Baptist Church every Sunday morning. The church is located in the inner city a few blocks from my house. I have been teaching Haitian kids songs in both English and Haitian Creole in preparation for our Benefit Worship Concert this Friday for Glory House Services, a Kansas City based ministry working to build schools in Haiti. The first time I taught the six to twelve year olds my song, “Hold Me”, the kids had been crazy the entire time. However, when I started that song, they calmed down and sang along almost immediately. I stopped them to explain that Father God wanted to draw them close and hold them when things were difficult. I told them, “This time sing it right to Father God’s heart. He loves your voice.” They did and I could see on some of the kids’ faces that God was touching them. Please keep these precious Haitian children in your prayers and our concert this Friday.
Leaving for Haiti in Two Weeks!
The past few weeks have been a whirlwind of getting shots, required books, insect repellent, malaria medication, packing my solar lights for the poor, and most of all preparing my heart for Haiti. We leave two Saturdays from now for Fort Lauderdale and will fly from there to Port-au-Prince, Sunday, October 2nd. Please pray for smooth flights since we had trouble with that earlier this year. I will return to Kansas City December 15th.
The missions base, Fisher’s of Men Ministries, we are going to serve is excited about us coming. We are going with hearts to serve, learn, and pray. I am working on a Thesis project on God’s heart for justice. We will also be engaged in ministry serving the missions base and outreach around Port-au-Prince. Most importantly, we will continue our Sacred Trust of twenty-four hours in prayer a week. Much of our prayer will have to be personal prayer since we will not have as many corporate prayer meetings to attend. I am really excited about all that God has ahead for us! I will not be able to send out updates through the mail since I will be in Haiti. So, please send me an email if you would like to continue to receive my newsletter!