Playing Violin & Penny Whistles at Hope City

About four years ago, I began playing violin. How I got the violin is an amazing story of both God’s provision and His care for me in a difficult season. For a few years, a desire had been growing to learn to play the violin. On a ministry trip, the church prophesied over me that I was going to learn new instruments. An owner of a music store in the congregation offered to give me the best violin he had in his shop. He promised to mail it to me. I was amazed! When I returned to Kansas City, I got the disappointing news that my worship team was disbanding and they no longer had a place for me to lead worship or even be on a worship team anymore. Amazingly, the next day the violin arrived in the mail. I knew the Lord was speaking to me that, in the midst of this disappointment, He still had a place for me in ministry and in music.

The past few years have been quite a journey of learning. Violin is a very difficult instrument to learn when you are older. It sounds so bad in the first few years of learning! So, it requires great patience. Earlier this year, I was asked to join a worship team to play violin and a new instrument I have been learning, the penny whistle. It has been so fun! I know I have a long journey ahead of learning both instruments, but it is good to be on this journey with Jesus!


Acting in the Musical “As in the Days of Noah” in A Week

November 14-17 we will preform our musical “As in the Days of Noah”. The production is about the life of Noah and his family with a special emphasis on the wickedness of his generation and the difficulty his family had to walk righteously and do what God had commanded them. Please keep our cast and crew in your prayers. We are praying that the truth of the Gospel and the message about the times we are living in would go forth.

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