Building Friendships / Pastoring Young Leaders
I loved building friendships in Haiti even pastoring some of the young leaders God is raising up in Haiti. On Wednesday, my girlfriend, Theresa, and I explored the streets of Haiti with an American missionary that became a friend of mine when I lived there two years ago. We had a wonderful time of fellowship encouraging one another in the Lord. Theresa and I also spent time with one of the worship leaders. I was so thankful to see some of the words I spoke into her life two years ago bearing fruit in her life.
Singing “Father Hold Me”
The first day we arrived at Fisher’s of Men in Haiti, we went to a Crusade that Pastor Jay Threadgill (a missionary in Haiti we are partnering with at IHOPKC) was preaching at. Once we arrived at the crusade, I really enjoyed worshiping with Haitians again. They dance and rejoice with such passion it’s contagious! Towards the end, the worship leader, sang a song I wrote, “Father Hold Me” (“Papa Kenbe Mwen”). He called me up to help him lead it. It moved me to hear Haitians loudly singing with me. My prayer to God seven years ago in the midst of my pain and suffering has become a song of comfort for many all over Haiti. I was told “Papa Kenbe Mwen” is now playing on many radio stations all over Haiti.
Translating a New Song About Freedom!
When I arrived, Pastor Jay gave me an assignment to write a new song while I was in Haiti. Reluctantly, I took the assignment translating a song I wrote about rejoicing in the freedom we have in Jesus’ redemption. One of the Haitian worship pastors helped me translate the song and we performed it for the Sunday morning special. Singing a song of rejoicing four years after Haiti’s devastating earthquake was a testimony of God’s restoration.
Seeing My Student Jean!
As soon as I was able, I went to Fisher’s of Men’s K-12 School to see if any of my students from when I taught two years ago were still there. As I sat at the table with my friend Christy, I listed off a few names. Unfortunately, most were not there anymore. Then, I asked about one my students, Jean. After looking at me kind of funny, she pointed at a young man behind her and said, “You mean him?”. He had gotten so big that I didn’t even recognize him at first! We were very happy to see each other. For old times’ sake, I went back with him and helped him with his Science for a while!
Morning Prayer
Joining passionate Haitians crying out for their nation every morning impacted me. They pray with tenacity and desperation with a deep hope in God. They inspired me to continue my service in Kansas City as an intercessory missionary knowing I am joining a Global symphony of prayer and worship ascending to the throne of God.
Noon Prayer with Pastors
In addition to Morning Prayer, we joined several pastors for noon prayer. At one of the prayer meetings, I shared with them about the necessity of combing worship and prayer from Revelation 5:8. The harp speaks of music and the bowls are filled with the prayers of the saints. Jesus is longing to manifest this heavenly reality on the earth—uniting music with prayer.
Souls Saved Every Night!
Over thirty people gave their lives to Jesus as we marked the four year anniversary of the deadly earthquake. Many were saved every night!
In the evenings, we held services of worship, prayer, and teaching. Pastor Jay kept us busy! I loved helping see 10-40 people come to know the Lord each night. God truly has a harvest of souls in Haiti to give to His Son.
Holding Orphans
Our team went out to orphanage I served at when I lived in Haiti two years ago. We took time to just sit and hold the orphans. It was heartbreaking to hear many of the children calling me Papa! I didn’t want to leave! I wanted to hold each of them and show them the love of their true Papa that will never leave them!
Some photographs above ©2014 Jennifer Perez – Color Canvas Media