Thank you so much for your continued love and support as a partner with us in our ministry at the International House of Prayer. I have some important news to share with you regarding International House of Prayer’s staff support processes.
As part of the new changes, the International House of Prayer will no longer directly process staff support for missionaries. Instead, they will work with secondary platforms to process missionary support. As a result, I will raise funds through a new system called Prepare Ministries. Any future tax-deductible giving will be processed on this new system.
As you give tax-deductible gifts in the future you would need to do it on Prepare Ministries’ website for us. We will no longer be able to receive donations from IHOPKC after May 31st. If you have any questions about this transition, please reach out to us!
With some of the other transitions at the International House of Prayer, we are expected to soon lose about 1000 /month of income. Would you consider giving to us helping us cover this deficit? We want to continue to be available to shepherd young adults through this difficult season, lead prayer meetings, and declare God’s heart to the nations.
We have been amazed over the past few months at God’s provision! Many have given special gifts and not one partner has stopped because of what we are going through at the International House of Prayer. We feel so loved by our partners and are excited about the future continuing to minister to the Lord with this committed community of young adults.