I Found a Secret to Growing in Intimacy with God

So you have followed Jesus to the ends of the earth to preach the Gospel and then you are counted worthy to suffer for Him. You are put in prison with the possibility of living the rest of your life in that place. What will sustain you? How will you make it out with your relationship with God intact?
This past Friday, Andrew Brunson shared his story of being imprisoned in Turkey for three years and how a Korean couple visited him and snuck in one of Mike Bickle’s books into prison. This book helped sustain his prayer life as he listened to the drone of Muslim prayers day and night. They told him, “You will not make it out of here without becoming a Muslim.” In the video above, Theresa shares about how this same book changed her life and helped her have significant victory over fear.
Mike Bickle and the International House of Prayer have provided his book to give you for free in appreciation for how so many of you have helped sustain night and day prayer through your partnership with our family. Thank you!

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