Baby’s LIFE Saved! 21 Day Silent Siege Kansas City


This past Good Friday we concluded a 21-day Silent Siege in front of Planned Parenthood in Kansas City. We stood in a silent Solemn Assembly (Joel 2:15) crying out with red tape over out mouths for mercy on our nation. At one point during the day a man drove out of the clinic parking lot and remarked to us, “my girl decided to keep her baby because of you.” We rejoiced in God’s rescuing of this little one whom we know must have a great purpose before the Lord. At the end we gathered together, took communion, and we took up an offering for a crisis pregnancy center. After that, we sang the song I heard from the Lord in 2004 as I stood in front of the Supreme Court, “Voiceless”. It is about the movement of “Silent Sieges”: “And their voices will be hear in our silence”. We concluded the day holding hands and surrounding the clinic singing the old hymn, “Nothing But the Blood of Jesus”.

Zadok House of Prayer

Refreshing The Night Watch

Zadok House of Prayer

A couple of weeks ago I went to the Zadok House of Prayer to refresh the intercessors that are laboring outside of Charlotte, NC to build a 24/7 house of prayer. Two years ago, IHOPKC sent these intercessors, musicians, and singers out. I helped out on their Night Watch. Currently, they have about ten intercessors. They do four hours a night live and then do two hours of CD or put on our web cast. My friend Logan, from IHOPKC, and I led worship a couple of hours a night. It was really amazing! I also got to lead worship and preach at the beginning of the week at a church in West Virginia. They are also seeking to start a house of prayer in their community. So, I believe my message on prayer and worship was timely for them.

Saint Patrick’s Day Parade

IHOPKC Outreach Sees Many Come into the Kingdom

Downtown Kansas City hosts an annual Saint Patrick’s Day parade attended by thousands of people. Like last year, IHOPKC had a float entry in the parade containing a large mountain with St. Patrick on top addressing the crowds with 30-second pleas for the Gospel while a worship team played behind him. In addition, united in prayer and fasting an evangelistic force of about 800 believers from IHOPKC went out in the freezing-cold rain to share the gospel with the multitudes along the parade route. Some of our staff went equipped with video cameras interviewing those on the parade route and sharing the gospel at the end. Some even preached on the street dressed like St. Patrick. Others talked to individuals asking a survey about St. Patrick ending with the questions, “Where do you think St. Patrick went when he died?” and most importantly: “Where do you think you will go when you die?” We were pleased that, in spite of the rain, more people responded to the gospel this year than last year!

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