We are overjoyed to announce our fifth boy, Archer Malachi! Thank you for your prayers. The labor went very well. After 4 unusually difficult births, this one was beautiful, redemptive, and healing for both of us. The last three weeks have been full of sleepless nights as is typical with a newborn but we are so enjoying him!
God has been showing us that Jesus, the Great High Priest’s words and prayers never return void and they are always accurate, like an excellent bowman, or an archer. With Holy Spirit as our guide, our prayers can always hit the mark. Together with Jesus, our prayers will bring about a beautiful redemption plan for Israel and the church, leading up to Jesus’ return as written about in Malachi. This is where we got our son’s name, Archer Malachi.
Thank you for your generosity. We have been so blessed with all that we need for this surprise baby as we had given away most of our baby stuff. We have also been blessed with many in the IHOPKC community bringing meals and sending us money for meals. We have truly been surrounded!