This has been a year of strengthening what remains. After the devastation we experienced last year, we have been able to help undergird and stabilize those who have chosen to remain to “partner in the Great Commission by advancing 24/7 prayer with worship and proclaiming the beauty of Jesus and His glorious return.”
We are amazed that so many continue to show up believing that Jesus really is worthy of this gift we are pouring out at His feet every day. Our prayer room is a diverse group of people of all ages and nationalities! We have great hope for the future. This next year, we will continue to rebuild, train, and equip young people by pouring into them much of what was poured into us for so many years.
Together with our family, we get to show others the power of intercession, worship, and how God moves! We get to pray for the church, for the unborn, for our nation, and so many other things dear to God’s heart. We love helping to lead 24/7 prayer that has gone nonstop for over 25 years now!
We get to teach children how to pray, worship, and sing with our weekly children’s led prayer meeting. We get to affirm the elderly that they have dignity and a purpose for living by showing them they can have massive impact by taking time to pray even if they never leave the walls of the nursing home. We continue to stand for justice for the unborn. The only hope for our nation is Jesus, and we are more convinced than ever in the need for and in the power of prayer!
Thank you for standing with us in prayer and financial partnership. Would you consider sharing a special year-end gift to invest in the Great Commission and what God is doing through prayer and worship? Also, as our family grows with baby boy number five due early March, would you consider ongoing monthly financial partnership to help us continue to stand with strength in service and ministry? Thank you for standing with us bringing this gift with us to Jesus day after day and night after night!
Laboring for Night and Day Prayer,
Jonathan & Theresa Baldwin