We Finished Recording Plead Their Case!

After several months of production, Audra Lynn, Richard Town and I have finished our single, Plead Their Case. The song tells of God taking His stand before the rulers of the nations telling them to vindicate the weak and the fatherless. The song shifts speakers at the end with us crying out to God to not to be silent and arise as the judge of the earth.

Toward the end, the song features 26 prayers blended together as a sound of many waters. Four prayers are pulled out of that sea of prayers: Mindy Thybault begins with her prayer an adaptation of Esther 8:5, “If I have found favor let there be a decree that reverses the orders of this court today.” These words were presented in our official brief to the
Supreme Court and they heard those words last year and overturned Roe. As we now look to several state courts to overturn their decisions (including the state of Kansas), these words reverberate again with
same authority they had when they overturned Roe. We stand at a crossroads as each state decide whether to outlaw abortion or not.

From there Monique Ortega prayed on the very anniversary of her abortion with tears in her eyes asking God to minister to pregnant mothers considering abortion. Diane Campbell then asks God to hear the prayers of the little ones in the womb. Laura Park asks God to help our nation to trust Him. Then co-writter and producer Richard Town prays for God to align our hearts to His heart. Finally, Zadok Grenz, a 10 year old boy who was adopted out of an abortion situation, prays for God to save many more babies as God saved him from being aborted.

Shooting Music Video in October

Now, we are shooting a music video dramatizing the scenes of Plead Their Case in October. We will have a court scene with justices deciding on the fate of the little ones. Jesus will enter the scene with His opinion. In addition, a woman will be deciding the fate of her little one. The entire song will be released once we have finished shooting and editing this video. Would you partner with us financially and help America see these little ones?

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