The Body of Christ Converges for a Historic Moment for Israel

Over the last few weeks, the Missions Base has been bustling with activity—the activity of calling the body of Christ to enter in to this fast May 7-28 for the Jewish people. Many are using every bit of influence they have ever had to alert the body of Christ to this critical hour.

Israel stands at critical moment. Last month, Israel’s president warned of possible civil war in response to a re-working of Israel’s judiciary. Threats exchange back and forth regularly between Iran and Israel warning of coming nuclear war. Hamas and Palestinian militant groups strike Jerusalem on a regular basis.

God is looking for intercessors. Who will bleed with Paul’s same heart, “My heart’s desire and my prayer for Israel is that they would be saved”? These are Jesus and Paul’s brothers according to the flesh—the people that Jesus chose to be a light to the nations. They are the very holy city that Jesus said he wouldn’t enter in to until they say, “Blessed is He Who comes in the name of the Lord”. 

Be a Hub Leading Daily Prayer for Israel

By the providence of God, this fast is catching the attention of many leaders all over the earth. So far over 182 ministries and churches representing 5-7 million people have committed to join us. Will you join us? Many of you are leading people—will you commit your church, home group, or prayer network to one hour a day of prayer with at least 2-3 people? Some of you lead Zoom prayer networks-would you lead daily prayer for Israel? Others of you are pastors of local churches—would you give an extravagant response to Jesus of daily prayer for Israel? If so, could you let us know so we can put a link to your ministry or church so others can participate with you at If you are not a leader, you can also find there believers near you can participate with—many are being added every day.

At IHOPKC, many of us are committed (including my wife and I as a unit) to 6-12 hours a day to give ourself to seeing Jesus’ dream for the Jewish people come forth! Our webstream will lead many all over the earth in 24/7 prayer for Israel during these 21 days. Please pray for us as we take on these extra hours with children. We want to pour ourselves out for this people that are burning on God’s heart.

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