The Beginning of the End of Abortion – A Reflection on The Lord’s Response to the Prayer of the Oppressed (Unborn) in Psalm 18

A violent river of saline swept over her drowning her as breath slipped from her lungs. The cords of death bound her. Terror consumed her. Death was certain. In her distress, she lifted her voice to God. This little one cried out, “God save me.” No man could hear her cries. But God heard.

Heaven responded to her cries: the whole earth began to shake and the very foundations of mountains trembled. A volcano exploded. All the heavens opened in splendid array as the Lord of all the earth appeared. In terror, the nations saw the smoke billowing out of his nostrils. Fire shot out of his mouth ready to consume. A thick storm cloud arose underneath his feet as the wind itself took Him into the air as the mountain erupted.

There, He hid in the darkness of the cloud, like a canopy all around Him. Light began to shine in front of Him as burning hailstones began to rain down on the earth.

Silent for so many years, but now, the silence was broken. The Most High uttered His voice—His response to the voiceless prayers of the suffering. Arrows of lightning pierced through the clouds exactly where He intended to send each one. In abundance, the arrows of lightning did His bidding destroying the enemies of God.

Just as the river of fire had proceeded from the earth, a river of restoration and of life erupted from the earth. God had rebuked men for their evil as the blood of the innocent cried out from the earth for justice. God blew breath upon the earth once more recreating with unparalleled beauty meeting the deepest longing of the human heart in the wake of the absolute devastation.

He heard her cry. He never once forgot her. It is not the will of Father that even one little one be lost or perish.

So, He sent from on high, He took her. He drew her out of many waters. He delivered her from her strong enemy. He delivered her from those who hated her. They were too mighty for her. He rescued her, because He delighted in her.

// On April 6, 1977 Gianna Jessen was born after a failed late term saline abortion. I was thinking about her story as I wrote this and many others that God undoubtedly will rescue. Yesterday would have marked 50 years that Roe vs Wade was the law of the land but on June 24th last year, God intervened. Fourteen states so far have successfully outlawed abortion. Four more have limited abortion. More states will follow as the courts do what they can to slow down the inevitable outcome of the highest court in the land. 

This is the beginning of the end of abortion. A victory for sure. As believers, though, our hope and deepest longing is for Jesus’ return as described in Psalm 18:4-19 when He will finally and decisively deal with abortion. Maranatha Come Lord Jesus.

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