Since Roe was overturned last year, all 50 states now have to decide whether they will align themselves with how God sees life in the womb. We have written a song to bring God’s heart to the nation, Plead Their Case.
Lately, I have been describing what we are doing as a short film because it helps people grasp the scope of what we are doing a little better. We have entire film crew ready to capture our scenes: a court scene, a woman distressed finding out that she is pregnant, and a judge struggling with his decision how to rule in favor of life or not.
This final video will show the power of prayer to turn abortion! God has done incredible things over the past month! Many have given and a few have offered to donate food and their time. However, we still need $5,418.71 by November 3rd. Would you consider partnering with us mobilizing the church to cry out NOW in this final push state by state? Let’s fight together agreeing with Jesus, “on earth as it is in heaven”, Let there be no abortion!
Second Anna Club Nursing Home Ministry
A year ago, a nursing home director reached out to me, “Can you start an Anna Club in my nursing home?” It felt like a Macedonian Call (Acts 16:9). My heart leapt at the possibility but at the time no one on my team was willing to take on an additional commitment.
My heart was broken. As I was praying I suddenly understood Jesus exhortation to His disciples, “the harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.” My heart was ready to leap but I had no one to help. I had done everything possible. IHOPKC had opened many doors to me to share: I pulled people aside, cast the vision over and over etc etc, but still there was no one to help. I realized there really was only one thing left to do: “Therefore pray to the Lord of the harvest that He would send forth laborers.” I began to cry out to God, “Jesus, please stir hearts for the elderly! And please stir hearts to help me fight abortion.” (I was in the throws of recruiting actors for my short film at the same time.)
Sure enough after several weeks of prayer, God began to stir hearts both to act in my music video and for the nursing home! A staff member of IHOPKC approached me saying, “God has told me to make the ministry of Anna Club the priority of my schedule above anything else.” Wow!! God did it! I thought to myself, “It is so much better when God brings me leaders than me recruiting.”
So, two months ago, we began our second Anna Club at Luthern nursing home in Kansas! It is so incredible being in an atmosphere were most of the staff are believers and want us to preach the Gospel!