Jesus, the perfect reflection of Father’s glory, exact representation of His nature stood beside His Father. Words echoed into His ears, “You are my Son…Ask Me and I’ll give you the nations as Your inheritance. The ends of the earth as Your procession.” (Psalm 2:7,8) Even now, the Father is warning kings and judges that the nations belong to Him and they must Submit to His leadership. His wrath is coming for those that do not.
Last month, with about 30-40 of our friends, we created a short film to do just that. Jesus’ desire for one little one to be allowed to live their life is at the center of the music video. We are praying and asking God to use this film to bring kings, judges, and the church into agreement with God’s truth about these little ones.
Day 1 Shooting at a Home

The first day, we shot in an IHOPKC couple’s home. We showed the struggle of a woman in residency working hard to become a doctor but finds out she is pregnant. I was amazed at how real the emotions were on our actress’ face as she portrayed this woman’s inner struggles.

This was my first day on the job as director. So, it took a few takes before I was really in the flow of things learning what was my job and what wasn’t. I was amazed at how on a film set one person focused on one job helps get more done. We worked through ever scene so quickly! My favorite thing about working with a film crew was how so many people’s talents came together to really bring the whole film to another level.
Next, we shot a scene as a moderate judge, Justice Williams agonizes over his decision of whether to rule in favor of abortion or not. Many of you prayed over this scene. Thank you. It was everything I had hoped for. The emotions he carried were perfect and I pray bring many into the story of the difficulty these judges face!
Day 2 Courtroom

The next day, we met at the Kansas State Capitol in the Old Supreme Court Room. From the first moment I was hit with my first challenge of the day—we were missing a judge!! I asked the man who had helped arrange things with the capitol if he would be willing to be a judge. He said yes!! I was relieved. From there, we began getting our shots. We focused mainly on Justice Williams and his reactions to everything being said.

As lunch was getting closer, I went with my Director of Photography (the camera guy) to look for a good location for one of the scenes. The woman on the left in the photo above used to work at the Capitol as Governor Sam Brownback’s assistant so I figured she knew the building. We went to her to ask her. However, I was surprised to see her talking with Governor Brownback who had come! I introduced myself and he asked me what we were doing. I told him about it. After he spent some time with Allan Parker, our lawyer who had flown in to act as himself, I was able to pray over him as he is still a major voice for the unborn in the political world (I consider both Allan Parker and Sam Brownback some of the primary modern day William Willberforces for the unborn in our nation).
Day 3 Hope City Prayer Room
The next day, we shot the actual music portion of the film at Hope City. Richard Town, Audra Lynn, and I led a prayer meeting for the ending of abortion with many intercessors from IHOPKC and Hope City. My favorite part was the children gathering around Zadok as he prayed his heartfelt prayer for the little ones! It was a powerful moment. On this day, because I was in every scene, my friend Borin who had been helping direct took over as director and did an incredible job. His years of experience as an actor brought so much to our film!!
After that, we shot our abortion clinic scene as Savannah goes to the clinic to get an abortion pill. In that moment, she talks with Mindy (the woman who adopted a frozen embryo and leads the Moral Outcry) and Monique who leads Bound4LIFE KC and has personal experience with abortion acting as themselves. It is a powerful scene of her eyes beginning to open concerning abortion.
Overall, I am amazed. God did so much in these three days! Everything went incredibly smooth, just as I had planned. We are now in post-production editing and coloring every scene. Please pray for me and the others who will be helping with this process. We are planning on releasing the music film in March!
Anna Club

God is stirring hearts for the elderly. More and more are hearing the need for voice of the elderly in the prayer movement. I have had two people outside the state express interest in starting their own Anna Clubs in their local nursing homes. This vision will catch like fire all over the US until the nursing homes of America are alive with intercession. God is raising up 84 year old Annas for His Son’s 2nd Coming! Our second location is going well. It has been fun going into a location that invited us. We have such a wide open door there!
Leading Prayer for the Fatherless
Recently, Theresa was asked to lead a weekly prayer meeting Friday 10am were many have been praying every week for the fatherless. As we have prayed for this every week God is opening up His Word to us showing us His love for the orphan. Recently, we were have become so convicted about how much human trafficking is interconnected with this issue. Pray with us Friday 10am-noon or look up the sets in our archives to join us anytime.