Life is very busy. I can easily feel swayed to and fro, stressed, and like I’m spinning in circles. There are tares and thorns in this world that would love to choke us out and make us unfruitful in God and our hearts troubled by the cares of this world. (Matthew 13) In the story of Martha, it wasn’t being busy that Jesus was addressing, it was because she was distracted, worried, and troubled about many things.
How do we get out of the cycle of being worried and troubled in the midst of busyness? First, I love how in John 11:5 it says that, “now Jesus loved Martha…” God loves us deeply and tenderly. He isn’t mostly an angry God waiting for us to screw up again. His thoughts and feelings towards us are of delight and enjoyment. Knowing this will help us abide in the vine and talk to Him throughout the day.
Secondly, He is ravished by every weak glance of our eyes, it overwhelms God! There are so many little opportunities throughout the day to say a 30-second prayer, ask Holy Spirit for help, or just to listen to His whispers. Even if 5 out of 100 times we turn our gaze towards him, it matters to God! The more we continue to work that muscle, the more easy and desirable it will be to spend time with Him! Be encouraged that your heart still says yes to Him even in your weakness!
Thirdly, I have recently become re-aquatinted with the beautiful FELLOWSHIP and TRUST prayers! I take one letter a day, including the scriptures included, and pray it over my husband, over our marriage, over our children, over our family, and over our household. Just one letter! It doesn’t take long, but it engages the heart to commune with Holy Spirit. I will pray it over other people as they come to mind. Doing this sets the stage for the Word to be reflected upon throughout the day and also more conversation with God. Having a picture in my mind as I talk to God helps me engage, so I like to picture I’m talking to Holy Spirit as a radiant river or a fire working in me greater glory!