About a month ago at our Friday staff church service, I (Theresa), was at church alone with baby. Since beginning of January it felt like someone was constantly sick in our house. My weariness continued to grow as I focused on how nearly everyone in my family needed prayer for healing and some other specific intense situations.
For several weeks my neck had been causing me some pain and seemed a bit out of place. Even though it bothered me, I pushed it off and deemed it low priority given everything else going on. It was a “minor annoyance” I would simply need to press through and try to ignore.
During that church service, we had an extended time of praying for healing. The speaker began to specifically call out some of the things facing my family. He also called out neck issues. It was so easy to stand believing in faith for my family members. I then felt Holy Spirit nudge to stand for my “small” lesser than issue, which I only begrudgingly did.
Suddenly, my neck felt hot and like someone was touching it. My neck was completely healed and there’s been a spot that’s always slightly out of place, and it felt like a new neck! I was completely undone because God was speaking His love for me. In that moment He chose to heal what I considered the lowest thing on the priority list that I had only barely raised my hand for. It strengthened me knowing that if God could heal my neck, He would take care of everything else hitting my family, and I could just pray, believe, and not worry.
I had been like the woman in Song of Solomon who had been busy tending to the gardens of others but neglected to go to the Lord for her own garden heart. God reminded me that He cared about me and sees me even those things that seemed small in my eyes. He reminded me how He loves for us to talk to Him about everything and involve Him in all areas of our lives!
If you’ve given your life to Jesus, know that God doesn’t just love you, He delights in you and enjoys you, even in our weakness! God is a glad God, and He isn’t sitting on His Throne mostly angry or annoyed at you! May you be strengthened with a reminder that God loves and delights in you. Speak His truth over yourself and don’t forget—pray for yourself too!