This season has been good for us as our work has become a family ministry on a whole new level! Even though small children bring a unique set of challenges, it is good to involve the kids more. God has reminded us, “the prayer room isn’t just for you, but for them too!”
This past summer was a huge time of breakthrough and answered prayer for our oldest, Jeremiah who has struggled with speech. We are finally getting to know our son. God has been providing for us to go to a local private speech and special education therapy place, which helped him be able to go into kindergarten this year and he is talking to us all day long now!
Each student at Jeremiah’s school is required to do 2 prayer room hours each week. Jeremiah has excitedly embraced doing his own sacred trust and prayer room hours and I love watching him figure out what to do in the prayer room and taking it so seriously too!
In addition, I (Theresa) started prayer leading Wednesday mornings for the 8am Worship with the Word. Jonathan sits in the room with Caleb, Micah, and Moses during this time. Caleb and Micah call these their prayer room hours. Outwardly it may look like we are less productive during the times we are in the prayer room with our kids, but I am reminded of Joel 2 where there is a sacred assembly and they call everyone of all ages to come together to fast and pray for mercy and for revival. We see how doing this as a family is special to God, and it matters to Him. He welcomes the children to come to Him.

About a month ago, Micah received salvation. And then Caleb followed a week later! We rejoice with all the angels that all three of our older boys have been saved! We have also recently been encouraged because one day I asked the boys what they wanted to do when they grew up. Jeremiah said, “I want to be like you guys. Work in the prayer room.” When I asked him what specifically he wanted to do he said he wanted to sing! Caleb also has a strong desire to do music though he’s still changing his mind on what instrument he would like to do. Micah’s answer was he wanted to do a job to make money so he could buy all the jelly beans he wanted! Haha. And of course all the boys love going to Anna Club, and the residents love them as well!