The Ancient Romance – Entering in to the Trinitarian Conversation

I am releasing videos of discussions with some of my friends in the IHOPKC community about the Trinitarian Conversation

Right now, something glorious is happening. Flowing in the Godhead from eternity past between the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit a great dance of life and joy exists. Before we existed… Before the worlds and stars were created… Before dust and matter, Life was moving by the Holy Spirit between the Father and His Beloved Son. From eternity past, God has interacted in the fellowship of the Trinity. Out of this overflowing delight and joy, God created man. Our purpose is to be a part of this relationship with Him forever (John 17:3). 

Most of the interaction of the Godhead is a mystery to us in this age. However, we are afforded small glimpses in the Scriptures. However, these glimpses are substantial. To date, I have found 230 verses related to this topic. Perhaps these verses are some of the most vulnerable and personal in all of Scripture to God? He lets us in on something so deep and intimate to His heart. Why? Why would we as created beings get a glimpse of something so infinite? Believe it or not, it is tied in with our very destiny. We are called to be a part of this very relationship! This is where we are going: we will be brought in to Their relationship forever! John 17:26 tells us that we are going to love Jesus with the same love that the Father has for Him. In addition, when Jesus was declaring to us the Father’s love for us, He used the Father’s love for Him to describe it. If this is how much God loves us, could it mean that the way for us to more fully know God’s love is for us to jump into these glimpses Scripture gives us of this Ancient Romance?

The first time I noticed this interaction of the Godhead in Scripture was the Son’s lament over Israel in Isaiah 5, “Let me sing now for my well-beloved A song of my beloved concerning His vineyard. My well-beloved had a vineyard on a fertile hill.” (Isaiah 5:1) The Son declared that He was going to sing a song for His Well-Beloved Father about His vineyard Israel. I began to just get lost in that phrase “Well-Beloved” wondering, “How much does Jesus love His Father?” As I prayed and asked God for more revelation I began to feel the depths of that passion. Longing to know more I began a furious search enlisting help from friends and anyone who would listen that there was a treasure we needed to find. I began to hope that indeed if I searched for this treasure with all my heart that I would find it (see Proverbs 2:4,5). I looked first in Isaiah finding yet another passage in Isaiah 42 as the Father declares to us, “Behold, My Servant, whom I uphold; My chosen one in whom My soul delights…” I spent some time in fascination of a Father Who delights deeply in His Beloved Son. From there my journey continued on to the New Testament realizing that I had a friend in the Apostle John who wrote the majority of the passages I have found on the Ancient Romance.

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