Great Change is Coming for Jesus’ Church – “I Will Pour Out My Spirit”

We stand at the precipice of great change for the Church. Many are reaching for God with deep hunger choosing to leave the comfortable place of lethargy and compromise. Holy Spirit is longing to lead us into this hunger where we will find a move of God sweeping over our nation that has had no equal in history.
As intercessors, for years, we have been longing for this moment. God promised, “In the last days…I will pour out my Spirit”. Our generation has never faced so great a need. Many who are hurting are leaving the church for a different gospel. Jesus said, “when the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth?” In this moment, God is looking for agreement. Right now, will Jesus’ church believe with Him for an unprecedented outpouring of His Holy Spirit?
For the past eighteen years, by the Grace of God, we have stood agreeing with God for justice in our generation—for that final outpouring of Holy Spirit on His Church. We kept the Nightwatch for the first twelve years praying from midnight to six am crying out for the unborn and for the church. Then, we stood for justice for the poor in inner city Kansas City leading worship helping deliver people from drug addiction. Now, we have been asked to help lead the morning section and prayer lead in the afternoon.
We are discipling the next generation, leading prayer meetings, and creating prophetic music that will hasten this next move of God. Will you be a part of this with us? Will you help us stand in the morning and afternoon hours keeping this 24/7 cry to God in the middle of America? Will you help us pastor these brave young adults who have laid everything down to give themselves to this ministry with a special year end gift? Thank you so much for all you have done to help us stand as a family! May God hear our cries together as His Church and answer us with an unprecedented move of Holy Spirit shifting and changing our generation into alignment with His heart!

Laboring in Prayer for Every Nation,
Jonathan & Theresa Baldwin

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