“God, give me songs to end abortion.”

It is my joy to write this letter! We now live in a Post-Roe America. In 2004, I set my heart with a group of 70 young people praying in silence to overturn Roe vs Wade and, by the grace of God, we have done it. Thank you. Without you this would have never happened. Together, we have rescued many women and babies all over the nation from abortion.

As I traveled the nation with Lou Engle and a group of 70 young people in 2004, we stopped in Cincinnati, OH at the home of Harriet Beecher Stowe. She wrote the book Uncle Tom’s Cabin, which brought awareness to the plight of slaves in America and changed the heart of the nation. We prayed in her backyard for God to do the same thing in our day: to move through books, songs, movies, and the arts to end abortion in America. I made this personal, asking God, “give mesongs to end abortion in America.”

In 2010, I recorded Mighty Warrior—prophetic music of God’s heart to bring justice to the nations of the earth—especially to the unborn. The album begins with Justice Scalia’s quote, “I am against abortion, but Where is the Moral Outcry over abortion?” Since then, we gathered over 620,000 signatures, brought the Moral Outcry Petition to the Supreme Court and overturned Roe vs Wade. Now the work remains to shift the remaining pro-choice states (including our own state of Kansas).

Two weeks ago, Audra Lynn and Richard Town (two recording artists at IHOPKC) met with me to work on a song from Psalm 82, “God takes His stand in His assembly; He judges in the midst of the gods. How long will you judge unjustly and show partiality to the wicked? Vindicate the weak and fatherless; Do justice to the afflicted and destitute.” We have taken this declaration of the Lord and turned it into a song to end abortion. As the Supreme Court overturned abortion last Friday at 9am, I was singing this song in the prayer room. I did not plan to do this—it really just happened.

Now we need to record the song. I need $2500 to pay for musicians, videographers, studio time, mixing and mastering, and promotion. Would you partner with us in this song to end abortion? Let’s do this again—now state by state.

Standing for LIFE,

Jonathan & Theresa Baldwin

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