In 2004, I (Jonathan) joined a group of young people praying for revival and the ending of abortion. Guided by a prophetic dream, 70 of us ended up with red tape over our mouths praying in silence outside of the Supreme Court for the little ones. Outside the court I asked God, “give me songs to end abortion”.
Trying to Overturn Roe/Doe Through the Original Plaintiffs
During that time, I met Allan Parker a lawyer who was working with Norma McCorvey, the Roe of Roe vs Wade to overturn her case. Norma had shockingly turned to Christ a few years before. I committed that day to stand with them as an intercessor to see her case reversed. A few months later we asked the Supreme Court to overturn Roe vs Wade. Norma’s request was denied with no comment. I was discouraged. Later that year, we tried again, this time the Doe of Doe vs Bolton (who also regretted her decision) tried to reverse her case. The Supreme Court again denied the request with no comment.
Trying to Overturn Roe Through South Dakota
A year later, November 2006, the state of South Dakota put forth a ballot measure to outlaw abortion. I was sure that this state would be the state that would finally overturn Roe! In excitement, I went to South Dakota a few days before the vote with Bound4LIFE and our IHOPKC Bible School Students. We prayed with faith that God would end abortion. One of my pastors suggested that I study Isaiah 42 to understand Jesus’ plan to bring justice to the earth. I wrote a song, Mighty Warrior straight from that passage with the chorus, “The Lord will go forth like a Mighty Warrior / He’ll stir up His zeal like a Mighty Man of war / He’ll raise a war cry / He will prevail against His enemies.” In faith, the day I got back to Kansas City, I sang my new song over South Dakota that morning at IHOPKC’s church service. A few days later, the vote lost and abortion remained in South Dakota and in America.

I will not grow faint or be discouraged
I was completely crushed. Three losses in a row were more than I could bare. In heart breaking sorrow I asked Jesus, “Where is justice for the unborn?” The Holy Spirit led me to Isaiah 42:4 and I finished Mighty Warrior with the words, “You will not grow faint or be discouraged / Until You’ve established justice on the earth.” I realized if I would behold Jesus then I would find the secret to persevering in the fight for the unborn.
Writing One More Song to End Abortion
Little did we know then how many years we would have to cry out! After loss after loss (and amazing, supernatural victories too), last May, a draft opinion had been leaked by the Supreme Court overturning Roe. We began crying out at IHOPKC day after day, “Jesus rescue babies from abortion!” Every Supreme Court opinion release day my friends and I prayed together in our Governmental Intercession side room. I was asked to lead worship on one of those opinion release days. I decided to sing a song I had been writing with Audra Lynn and Richard Town. It is from Psalm 82. I sang it boldly believing that God wanted the Supreme Court to, “Vindicate the weak / Vindicate the Fatherless.” As I was finishing up the song, my friends came rushing out of the side room trying to mouth to me, “Roe has been overturned.” Now I had been rehearsing what I was going to say for weeks but, overcome, I fell completely silent. How do you express years of emotion, years of fighting for something—an assignment God had given me to carry with Him? Almost immediately an unexpected emotion hit me—fear. I knew what this meant. The divide in America had further increased and I was shuttering where this would all lead for our nation.

A couple of weeks later as each state was shaking out whether they would make abortion illegal or not, I looked at all the states that had outlawed abortion. Other than Kansas and Illinois, every single state I had labored in for the ending abortion had been outlawed! I started weeping. God had really heard my prayers!
An Assignment Complete
Of course, there is still so much to be done (including Kansas & Illinois) but I am overwhelmed by what God has done. I really feel like an assignment that God gave us is complete. We stood with Bound4LIFE, Allan Parker, the Moral Outcry, and the Justice Foundation until this assignment was done. God heard our prayers. He really is coming back and when He does I am determined—we will be in agreement with Him!