Recently we had a man visit our staff to give us a report of the work in the Middle East. He thanked us for what we do and told us to never stop praying for Jesus to be glorified and for all nations to worship Him. He shared many stories of powerful salvation and deliverance, even for those with the hardest hearts who would come against and try to kill Christians and oppress children. It stirred us afresh to pray for God’s purposes for the Middle East and for the Word to run swiftly and be glorified. In light of all this we are setting apart a room for prayer specifically targeted at this region of the world.
A few days ago, a young lady came up to me (Theresa) in the prayer room to give encouragement. She was excited to finally come visit the house of prayer in person as the prayer room webstream has been her lifeline as she has gone back and forth from her hometown in Michigan and doing missions in Peru. She told me to keep doing my job and to keep pressing into the Lord as she said God has used my soothing and powerful voice in her life and she was excited to meet me in person as she didn’t know who I was but was drawn into my prayers. I was encouraged again that our occupation in the house of prayer is so important and has a greater impact than we will ever know about in this age! Even on the days we don’t feel like we are making a difference or we are feeling quite weak, God is never tired and can use us to partner with Him in prayer and worship!
We are having a baby!
A couple of years ago, we identified a significant speech delay in Jeremiah. Jeremiah has begun pre-K at a local Christian school and we are so grateful he is doing so well. He started going a few times a week mid-way through the summer to help him acclimate. We were also connected to one of their educational therapists that helps unlock how each kid learns and he has been excelling at his weekly therapy sessions with her, and he has even begun to make phrases and short sentences, and he repeats almost everything we say now. We praise God for many breakthroughs!
We are also thrilled to announce that our family will now be the Baldwin half-dozen as we are expecting our fourth child early March! Wow, 4 children, whatever will we do?!