Since President Joe Biden was inaugurated, many have been discouraged because of his pro-choice policies. Beloved, regardless of who is in the executive branch, we have never been closer in the judicial branch to a reversal of Roe vs Wade. Before President Trump left office, he put in a judge that has shifted the court toward a pro-life majority. We must pray! Many cases are down at lower courts even now and they could be heard by the court very soon.
I understand many are discouraged right now. However, I have faith like never before. The time is now! God is calling for intercessors to be the hinge of history and partner with His heart to bring justice to these little ones!
Prayer Strike Team for the Court Cases
I am establishing a prayer strike team for these upcoming cases. It will consist of intercessors all over America that believe it is time for Roe vs Wade to be overturned. The commitment will be that when activated you will cry out to heaven that abortion would end and pray specifically for the case as it is presented before the court. Until then, we will have regular prayer times to get updates as things build in that direction. Allan Parker, a pro-life Supreme Court lawyer, will serve as our activation point. When he gives us a date we will activate and begin praying. If you’d like more details or would like to join my team, please contact me as soon as possible. These cases will likely come before the court very soon.