A few months ago, our nursing home residents seemed extra downcast. We were inspired to make love packs for the nursing home residents, which included their favorite snacks, lotion, fuzzy socks or stuffed animals, and an encouraging word. We also included a daily prayer guide so they could take their places as intercessors in this hour of history. Within 2 hours of announcing the plan we already had half of the residents sponsored! In less than 3 days we had more than we needed to sponsor every resident with a special gift!
Some items ordered were delayed in the crazy Texas winter weather storm. But God planned the perfect timing! Within days of having completed the love packs, we heard the amazing news- our Nursing Home was open! We could come deliver them IN PERSON! The nursing home had been closed to visitors for over a year!
Also, we were given three audio Bibles! We desire to see the residents enter into the joy of God’s Word and not stuck drudgery of watching TV all day! One resident, who has lost most communication ability hugged the bible tightly and smiled with much excitement to hear God’s Word. He loves his Talking Bible! Currently the residents will have to share the audio bibles. We desire to see these Bibles in every room! If you want to give specifically to our audio bible project, please let us know!
It was emotional for all and many cried! We went room to room giving gifts and showing the love of Christ. When announcing Anna Club will begin in person one lady with tears in her eyes said, “I have so missed church!” Many have been completely isolated for over a year other than the healthcare workers and our zoom. It has been especially hard knowing we couldn’t be with the residents we lost this past year and bring comfort as they passed away. Our comfort is that all of them died knowing the Lord.
We were also surprised at how much support the staff gave and how happy they were to see us. They are giving us whatever we need and more support than we’ve ever had. One of the staff members in particular was asking each resident if they wanted us to pray for them!