Lord, Teach Us to Pray

There are many prayers in the Bible to learn from. I especially love Luke 11 because we get to learn to pray from Jesus Himself! A disciple asks Jesus to teach them to pray, and Jesus gives us what we have come to call The Lord’s Prayer.

We call the model of prayer that we do here in Kansas City Harp and Bowl. This comes from Revelation 5:8 where the four living creatures and the elders around the Throne of God each have a harp, which speaks of worship, and a golden bowl of incense, which speaks of prayer. I see this model so fitting with the prayer in Luke 11. We begin the prayer in a time of worship to God, hallowing His Name. Then we move onto intercession, asking for God’s kingdom to come and God’s will to be done, followed by prayers for ourselves and for others. I love using this model of prayer as an overarching guideline as I pray other prayers in the Bible.

Unceasing Worship App

It’s here! This app holds much of the music that has come out of the International House of Prayer, including all the limited editions, best of prayer room, and unceasing albums, every archive set that has ever been recorded, and a video library. Many of this can be accessed for free!! The premium account, which is only $5 / month gives you full access to everything including the ability to customize and filter content and to save favorites. With the premium account, you are sowing directly into our family and the other singers and musicians at IHOPKC! We have special code for you to sign up as our partners for a 60 day trial- FAMILY60

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