Letter from the Baldwins

2021—twenty twenty part 2? Or was it an opportunity? In light of the global pandemic, many all over the earth have been forced into innovation. The body of Christ is not an exception. The grips of isolation are threating to destroy a generation. But there is a throne.
There is a throne seated in Heaven and God’s purposes will prevail. He will have a bride fully in love with Him before His return. Even now, God is calling young men and women out of the monotony of games and endless TikTok videos to be a solution to the crisis. God’s Spirit is hovering over the waters and true, lasting Awakening is coming to the body of Christ. There is hope.
In Kansas City, young people are choosing to pour themselves out as day after day and night after night they sing love songs to Jesus and cry out for historic revival to change our nation. Even as you are reading this letter the 22-year prayer meeting continues. 24 hours a day, IHOPKC is open for the hungry to come and be filled with the Holy Spirit, for the intercessor to have a place to lift their voice with many others agreeing all over the earth, to encourage the small house of prayer that wants to quit. By God’s grace weak people continue in the middle of America as a fragrance of Christ to God for mercy for our nation!
As a family, we are setting our hearts to continue building this house. We believe that great prayer always proceeds great moves of God. If that is the case, what is God going to do in response to 36 years of night and day intercession in Kansas City? Would you be a part of this with us? Would you say, “yes I believe in the power of prayer” with a special year end gift? Would you help us keep young adults on the wall of intercession unto a great awakening for our nation? Thank you for standing with us as a family for years keeping us on the wall. It is a testimony of the grace of God that you have not quit! May Jesus continue to fill your heart with vision for what is coming!

Laboring in Prayer for Every Nation,
Jonathan & Theresa Baldwin

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