The funny thing about working at IHOPKC is you show up for your set and then you suddenly find out that you are leading more than the typical thousands that are watching over our webstream. Recently, World Prayer Together (worldprayertogether.com) a partnership of YWAM, CRU, Every Home for Christ, Lou Engle, and many others asked us to lead their w.orldwide prayer meeting launching a worldwide outreach in May called “Go Month”. It was broadcast to millions of people all over the world. One of our morning worship teams suddenly found themselves leading millions in prayer! Over the following couple days of focused prayer many were directed to our webstream as we continued leading prayer over the weekend for those who did not have access to a prayer room—they joined in our 24/7 expression of prayer here in Kansas City in all of their respective time zones. I love our role in the Great Commission. We are the air force sending in the prayer before the outreach so that truly what we does bears fruit as a generation. Thank you for helping Theresa and I disciple and pastor these young adults who are keeping this 24/7 cry the Lord of the Harvest, “Send out laborers!!”
Watch Mississippi
The Supreme Court is Hearing a Case that Could Overturn Roe
The Supreme Court just decided to hear a case related to Mississippi’s 15 week abortion ban. This case will be heard in fall and a decision will be expected by the summer of 2022. Along with the Arkansas case that will end up being presented to them these are solid cases that could give the court the opportunity to overturn Roe. We have never had a more favorable court than we do right now. Let’s pray for God to set the unborn free from the oppression of abortion!
If you have not already, please sign our petition. We now have 1/2 million signatures. We need 1 million by the time this case lands next year so that the SC will see that there is a moral outcry over abortion! themoraloutcry.com