If There Has Ever Been a Time to Pray It’s Now.

From left to right to bottom- Justices Clarence Thomas, Stephen Breyer, Samuel Alito, Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan, Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, Amy Coney Barrett. Larger picture- Chief Justice John Roberts

Roe vs Wade could be overturned

Since 2004, God has gripped me with a burden to see abortion end in our nation. In all that time, I have never seen a convergence of these two things: a Supreme Court case that challenges Roe and a court that has a majority of pro-life justices. I have great hope that tomorrow (December 1st) the justices will rule in favor of life. But we need to pray! They will have an informal vote tomorrow and then they will announce their decision sometime in March. At any point before March they can change their mind. 

We will be leading prayer all morning from 6am-noon straight for the unborn. Tune in if you are able and join us! (ihopkc.org/prayerroom) There is also a 48-hour National Day of Repentance that I would encourage you to take part in. I am helping to lead 3 hours of the event from IHOPKC (nationaldayofrepentance.org).

Global Bridegroom Fast for LIFE

We have decided to focus our upcoming Global Bridegroom Fast on the ending of abortion. We will be praying from December 6-12 continuing to pray for these justices who can change their mind up until they announce in March and for God’s heart for LIFE in our culture preparing for a Post-Roe society—supporting women and adopting babies. Join us all week as we pray at all of our intercession meetings for the unborn.

Eugenics Ideology is Fueling Abortion

One of the hours of the National Day of Repentance we focused on repenting for the sin of the ideology of Eugenics and the actions that have followed in our nation. My friend Diane Campbell and I led the time of prayer. I was so overwhelmed with the reality that so many of our states forced sterilization on people they deemed unworthy of reproduction (minorities, disabled, handicapped, etc) This is fueling so much of the darkness related to abortion in our nation. Join us in prayer for this important topic.

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