Could Awakening Be On Our Doorstep?

On May 14th, thousands will gather in Kansas City for The Send. In the 80s God spoke prophetically about the stadiums of America being filled with people hearing the Word of the Lord with signs and wonders testifying to Jesus. We are crying out that the time would be now—that God would visit this nation with historic Awakening!

Pastoring Young Adults

In 2020, Theresa and I stepped into a role of pastoring the singers and musicians in the time frame of 6am-noon. This means lots of side room conversations, being present in worship teams briefings and debriefings, and having someone over to our home at least once a week. We are giving ourselves to the work of loving young adults well.

Leading Worship at the Supreme Court October 2021

Fighting to Overturn Roe vs Wade

We have a wide open door to overturn Roe with Mississippi’s bill arriving at a majority Pro-LIFE Supreme Court. We are crying out that this bill would stand and that Roe would be overturned. We are preparing as a community to care for the women and adopt the little ones. We are also preparing to pray, state by state, to see abortion end following the overturning of Roe.

Loving the Elderly

Six years ago, we started the Anna Club, a ministry of prayer meetings in nursing homes telling the elderly, “you  still have a purpose to impact your families and the nations of the earth through intercession” as modern day Annas (Luke 2:26-38). Over the past few months, many in the IHOPKC community have been stirred to join us!

Prayer Leading

Every week, Theresa is leading hundreds in prayer all over the earth at our 4pm Monday intercession. We are excited to continue leading our community in crying out for what God wants to do in this next season! We believe prayer changes history.

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