This year in D.C., the atmosphere was vastly different than last year for the unveiling of the scroll that contains over half a million names who are standing for life. There was a lot more opposition and loud angry protesting from pro-choice groups that wanted to stop our prayer meeting and unrolling of the scroll. There is a spiritual battle over the issue of life that is starkly dividing our nation in half. What was most encouraging to us this year was the vast and growing number of youth and young adults that are now openly standing for and praying for life. This gives us strength and courage that the next generation is getting God’s heart for loving life, that life beginning at conception and all life is precious at every stage of a person!
It’s a boy!!!
We recently found out we are expecting our 4th BOY in early March! We are of course excited and laugh at God’s great sense of humor to bless us with 4 boys! Please pray we disciple these 4 boys into loving Jesus with their whole hearts, souls, strengths, and minds.
Special giving opportunity!
On Monday evenings when Theresa prayer leads in the prayer room, she often has some of the team from Exodus Cry represented who pray for the ending of human trafficking. God has stirred Theresa’s heart to partner with the local outreach time who go into the hardest and darkest places to minister to women and rescue them with human trafficking. She is planning to create beauty & hygiene bags for their Thanksgiving and Christmas themed outreaches. She has it in her heart to do 50 total beauty & h bags, and each bag is only 20 and will minister to a woman and plant a seed to help her find deliverance physically and spiritually. We love how the Exodus Cry team doesn’t just rescue them out of human trafficking, but with IHOPKC has resources in place to bring them through counseling and help them start their lives anew! Will you consider partnering with Theresa in this project?