A Miracle of Restoration

Brittney, celebrated legally regaining custody of 3 of her children! We are so proud of all of her hard work!

I (Theresa) first met Brittney a few years ago. We were both pregnant at the time she came to do our trade off program, TOP, at Hope City. Due to unstable housing, drug abuse, and domestic violence her children were in the care of the state. As she started working with an advocate to help her through the court process, it looked like she was at the brink of forever losing custody of all her children. Our addiction recovery program was her last chance to get sober and take the first steps towards changing her life. Both Jonathan and I easily connected with her early on and began praying for her and speaking life into her. Many times she wanted to give up, but many more times she made the hard decision to not quit. I loved watching her transform little by little as she spent time in the presence of God in the prayer room making the decision to love Jesus. After she had her baby, someone we know and respect in our community who is a foster parent took Brittney’s baby in as Brittney worked to turn her life around. So many at Hope City encouraged her and spent time working with her embracing her as family. As she worked hard and got a steady job, it was looking hopeful that if she continued her progress, she would gain sole custody of her children again. We just recently got to celebrate with her as the day finally arrived where she got custody! This is just one of so many people who have been transformed by the love of Jesus during their time at Hope City. We couldn’t do it without you praying and partnering with us in ministry as we labor to see lives transformed and Jesus glorified! You have an inheritance in Brittney, her children, and so many other’s lives!

Hope City CD Project is Out!

Our Hope City Collaborative CD Project is out! You can get ahold of it digitally on iTunes or Amazon or a physical CD or thumb drive next time I roll through town. The first track is my new song, “How Long?” It is a cry to God for the release of signs and wonders testifying of God’s glory. After that are powerful prayer sets and my favorite songs by my friend Aaron Swanger, “Jesus of Nazareth” with beautiful lead vocals by country music star Sarah Johns who has recently come back into the kingdom and is serving God with us in the inner city.

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