There are a few things we need still from our baby registry
God Says, “I Don’t Just Want to Save Babies from Abortion I Want to Save Abortion Workers From Abortion.”
Recently, our Hope City staff, interns, and addiction recovery program went to go see a new movie about the story of Abby Johnson a Planned Parenthood clinic director who found freedom from abortion. One of my favorite parts of the movie is when Abby drives away from the clinic for the last time. She was finally free!
On December 24th in 2008, I had a dream that I traveled with a group of students to Houston. We went inside a towering office building—it was several stories high. Inside, I ran into the door of an operating room. They were performing an abortion. I could hear the sound of the suction machine. I ran away terrified. A woman came out. She had grayish blondish hair with black all over her face. I had an open door to share the truth about the unborn and Jesus’ love for them with her. A few days later the Lord spoke a phrase to my heart, “Jonathan, I don’t just want to rescue unborn babies from abortion. I want to rescue abortion doctors from abortion.” I began to lead prayer on the Nightwatch at IHOPKC crying out regularly for abortion doctors and workers.
In the movie, 40 Days for Life is shown in 2004 (the same year we started Bound4LIFE in front of the Supreme Court) praying night and day in front of the clinic for 40 days straight. Jesus said, “Will not God bring about justice for His elect who cry to Him day and night, and will He delay long over them?” I believe their prayers converged with our prayers in the Nightwatch in Kansas City and less than a year later October 2009, Abby Johnson was set free from abortion.
There is so much more to this story—including the eventual closure of Abby’s clinic and the clinic in my hometown of Lufkin, TX for the same reason. But I will save that for another time!