Delivering the Moral Outcry Petition to the Supreme Court

Fifteen years ago, I was standing in front of the Supreme Court with seventy young people crying out in silent prayer, “God end abortion”. We wore red tape over our mouths remembering the blood of Jesus and standing in silence for those who have no voice. On one side the protestors from the National Organization for Women were screaming for the cameras and on the other side was weak, silent prayer. One of the women came over and told us, “this is brilliant strategy.” Little did she know God had given us this “strategy” in a dream.
Now, I am more determined than ever. Abortion must end! I again find myself in a God ordained, Holy Spirit “brilliant strategy” moment. A few years ago, God gave a dream to Mindy and Denny Tebo my fellow intercessory missionaries at IHOPKC to petition the Supreme Court. They connected with a close lawyer friend of mine, Allan Parker, who has been fighting for years to overturn Roe vs. Wade.
While we were standing in silent prayer fifteen years ago, someone came out of the Supreme Court having just talked with Justice Scalia. The Justice said to him, “I am against abortion but where is the moral outcry?” Now all these years later, next week, we are presenting 240,897 people that have said they are against abortion.
On Friday of last week, I was privileged to be tasked with designing the scroll of names that have signed this historic document. I did not realize the scope of what I was doing! My first idea was a long 8½ inch wide parchment paper. However, I ran into a logistical problem—the document stretched out to 1,863 feet! If we unrolled that in front of the Supreme Court it would be five city blocks long! Finally, yesterday we landed on a 5ft x 125ft scroll of names. On Tuesday of next week, I will help deliver this scroll to the Supreme Court. Together, we will tell the nation it’s time for abortion to end.
This last-minute trip has been determined by the court’s schedule. Three abortion cases will be converging on the Supreme Court on Tuesday. Each could challenge Roe vs. Wade. Yesterday, I purchased my flight. Would you partner with me in this historic moment and be a part of seeing abortion end in our nation? I need around $500 for the ticket, lodging, and food by the end of this week. Also, please pray for me as I travel that I would make it there on time and safe. Thank you for standing with us for the ending of abortion and the turning of America back to God.

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