We just had our 20th anniversary of when the house of prayer in Kansas City began. We did a lot of reflecting back, remembering all God has done and also things He has spoken and promised. Reflecting stirred up our faith to believe again that God will bring to pass all He has spoken and it stirred us up again to keep praying night and day until God brings complete justice to the earth and Jesus returns. We are excited for what God will continue to do as we labor in prayer and missions and keep pressing into Him.

A lady was recently sharing at church that when she was young and single she would keep telling God that she wanted to be so radical and on fire for Him. She told us that God’s reply was, “you’re going to make a great mom.” This confused and shocked her because that is not what she envisioned being radical for Jesus looked like. Her story resonated with me (Theresa), especially in light of IHOPKC’s anniversary. I remember when I got here a little over a decade, I was young, single, and thought I knew what it meant to be on fire for God. What I didn’t realize then is being radical for Jesus looks different in different seasons of life. Also, being radical for God has nothing to do with our occupation. Back then I could easily sit for hours on end in the prayer room scouring through the Word and journaling all my bible studies. Now, married and three kids later I am lucky if I don’t doze off or find myself staring blankly in a daze once I get some time alone in the prayer room or for quiet bible study at home. Or, if I try to pray or do my bible study around kids, it may mean I read once verse in the midst of making sure my boys don’t hurt each other too badly.
God has reminded me of His Words in Matthew 22:37 that you shall love the Lord with all your heart, soul, and mind. This great commandment is the very essence of being radical for Jesus. And this can be done in whatever season we may find ourselves in or ministry assignment or job, etc.