Over a year ago we shared Hope City’s desire to move a few blocks away into an old school to relieve the constraints of our current facility becoming too small. Unfortunately, we have had a huge obstacle to get Askew School rezoned for housing. Since one of our ministries is housing drug addicts, we are at an impasse. We rejoice that to date we have had over 1,000 people come through Hope City’s Restoration Program successfully. How could we limit this wonderful miracle of God? Since we are busting at the seams and have nowhere to go, we have decided the best way forward is to expand our vision to include no longer renting, but owning our current ministry building to use as housing facility and turn it into the Restoration Wing of Hope City. This building will house drug addicts, whereby satisfying the school board’s request to limit the use of the Askew School building, which we still intend to purchase. We thank God for giving us this brilliant strategy!
Anna Club Testimonies

For almost a year now, Tom (name changed for privacy), has consistently come to our Anna Club prayer meeting. He sits in the corner, arms crossed and brows furrowed. If you ask him how he is doing, he would reply, “terrible”, and also boldly declare his atheism. Yet, week after week, Tom shows up. Jeremiah has taken a special liking to Tom. He walks over to him with a smile and tries to push him around in his wheelchair, and pats his arms until Tom acknowledges he is there. Jeremiah persistently does this to him every time he sees him. Several months ago, the moment Tom saw Jeremiah, his face lit up with a smile and greeted Jeremiah excitedly. The workers at the nursing home who witness this with us turn to us and say, “did Tom just smile?!” They are all shocked as he has never done this before. Now when we ask him how he is doing he replies, “oh, not too bad,” and when we ask if we can pray for him he smiles and says, “if it floats your boat.” Please pray for Tom with us as we see great transformation in his life as he is coming out of the darkness and into the light of Jesus.