2019 Year End Report

2019 has been filled with surprises. In August, God led our family to fast and pray for an anointing on our lives to proclaim the things that we have encountered in Him. Since that time, God has increased the fruit from our lives.

In Washington, DC we unrolled 240,897 signatures for the Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade
In Washington, DC we unrolled 240,897 signatures for the Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade

Fighting Abortion

In 2004, God put a dream in my heart that abortion would end in America. We dream of a society that would value life from birth to death. 

In October, we brought over 240,000 signatures to the Supreme Court. The massive scroll of signatures was 5ft wide x 125ft long. Since that time, over 20,000 more people have signed the petition.

On March 4th, the Supreme Court is scheduled to hear a case that has the potential to overturn Roe v Wade. Pray with us that the Supreme Court will respond to over a ¼ million people who want Roe overturned. The Moral Outcry will file our petition and all of your signatures in March. If you haven’t signed yet visit TheMoralOutcry.com today!

We brought the petition to Hope City allowing those in the program to sign for babies that they have aborted. It was a very sobering moment.
We brought the petition to Hope City allowing those in the program to sign for babies that they have aborted. It was a very sobering moment.

Setting the Captive Free

At Hope City, we are also bearing fruit. Recently, I rejoiced as one of my team members finished the Hope City program and joined the Nightwatch at IHOPKC. It is a joyful thing to see freedom in people’s lives! 

Our current track is so hungry for God! Lately, many have been studying deep passages in the Word of God and asking me questions I often don’t have the answers for. Where in the earth is a company of former drug addicts who are talking about things like this? We are honored to get to be a part of this transformative process in so many lives.

Bringing Purpose to the Elderly

We just had our special Christmas service. Many responded to the Lord saying they wanted to re-commit their lives to Him. This service is our main evangelistic thrust of the year. Last December, we had a grumpy atheist decide to follow Jesus! We also announced a new component to our weekly meetings: we will all read through the Bible in a year and discuss it. Pray with us for continued fruit and that many would say yes to Jesus before they meet Him.

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