Worship is powerful. It has the power to elevate the gaze of our eyes off of the circumstances surrounding us and place it on our Father in heaven who is on the throne even now. Whatever or whomever we worship we will become more like. Lately God has been challenging us to stop letting the hard things of this life and the challenges that face us consume too much of our mental and emotional energy. He keeps telling us lately to “live in a different reality.” The Bible is absolutely true, and when God says in this world we will have trouble, it is certain we will have trouble. However, in the same verse He tells us to take heart, for He has overcome the world (See John 16:33).

How different our lives would be if we lived like God is on the Throne. God really does see everything that happens to us and we will truly reap in due time if only we keep our eyes fixed on Jesus continuing to worship Him no matter what comes our way. As believers, we have a different reality we get to live in. Through Jesus we really have eternal life, and there is a storehouse of treasure being laid up for us in eternity. Furthermore, we don’t have to wait until the next age to access this reality. We are sons of God and our Father is the Eternal God who was, is, and is to come! What are you letting the gaze of your thoughts and emotions be upon? Will it be the circumstances you find yourself currently in, or will it be upon this glorious Throne room where the most Holy God full of light is ruling and reigning from? (See Revelation 4 & 5) I challenge you to speak over yourself a different reality—the truths found in Scripture unashamedly worshiping Jesus, the King of kings, and Lord of lords.