On February 3rd at 6:21 pm, we rejoiced at Caleb’s birth. Caleb was 7lbs and nineteen inches long. We were relived this time to keep our original birth plan having Caleb in the water at a local birthing center with a midwife. We were able to go home just a few hours after his birth. He is doing quite well at home as we are adjusting to life with both a toddler and a baby! Jeremiah loves his brother! He often comes up to him and hugs him. If he is crying Jeremiah likes to bring him his pacifier.

Finished Adding Room in Basement
After lots of work and many delays we have finally finished adding another bedroom to our basement. This has definitely been a stressful project as we never intended it to go this close to Caleb’s birth. However, we are excited that our investment will enable us to rent out two bedrooms instead of just one.