For the past five years, Hope City has had our sights set on an old middle school building a few blocks away from Hope City. We have felt the constraints of our current facility, an old Boys and Girls Club. Its limited space has often forced us to turn away drug addicts that desperately need help. It has limited our storage capacity for our weekly food distribution. We are so thankful for all that God has given us. However, we believe that God has more for us. We have put forward the only proposal to the Kansas City Public School Repurpose Committee. It will either get bulldozed or sold to us. We had a huge obstacle of needing the city to re-zone the building for occupancy since one of our main ministries is housing recovering drug attics. With that largely out of the way, it now remains in the hands of the school board.
The school has heard our proposal and has had a few neighborhood meetings regarding whether to sale the building to us. Most in the neighborhood love what we do. They see the impact that we are making and are overjoyed to see that ministry expand to them. However, as often happens, there is a small minority that has lifted their voices in opposition. Please pray for Hope City! We are at the last leg of a long journey to see us get this building and expand our ministry to reach even more people with the Gospel of Jesus.

Prayer Room
- Guided prayer services offered on a regular schedule focusing on issues such as poverty, drug addiction, families, government, our community and other nations.
- The Prayer Room functions 24 hours per day, 5 days per week. However, it is not open to members of the public at night, but is operated by members of Hope City staff and interns.
- Weekly church services are held in the Prayer Room.
- Kid’s room and child care is available for some prayer room services

Community Center/Needs
- 2,300 square foot community area
- Daytime shelter providing a safe environment with showers and bathrooms
- Close proximity to the Prayer Room, healing room (for the sick) and restrooms
- Holiday meals with the community
- Resource/training center for community classes including: GED, music/dance, tutoring, business classes, trade classes, and recording studio
Emergency shelter, tornado shelter
- Meals prepared daily to serve in the Community Center
- Cafeteria for staff, interns and live-in programs
- Cafeteria can also serve as a room for special events, meetings, dinners, receptions, parties, etc. on a case-by- case basis
Hope City Community Services
- Weekly food pantry
- Grocery and household supplies for immediate needs during the week
- Cooking and nutritional awareness classes sponsored by Harvesters Community Food Network

- 10,000 square feet for full-time members of the Hope City internship program with separate men’s and women’s dorms
- Multi-purpose rooms for classes, meetings and community social area with shared courtyard
Kid’s Room/Youth Room:
- Children and youth ministry focusing on biblical teaching and activities
Kid’s room, child care available for some prayer room services and special events
- Safe environment
- Meeting room for children’s events
- Classroom for homeschooling community and private tutoring