Jeremiah Has An Announcement to Make!!

This month we got to celebrate Jeremiah’s first birthday! We are so thankful for his life and that he is growing healthy and strong. He continually surprises us with new skills and we love to be silly together as a family. Last year he came as a complete surprise 5 weeks early and we spent 2 weeks in the NICU for mostly feeding issues. Though it was a scary and difficult beginning, as we reflect we are overwhelmed with gratitude for all the love, support, and prayers we had surround us during that time and over this first year of his life.

Jeremiah wanted everyone to know that he has been promoted to BIG BROTHER!! He will get to see his sibling in February, Lord willing!
Jeremiah wanted everyone to know that he has been promoted to BIG BROTHER!! He will get to see his sibling in February, Lord willing!

Jeremiah’s Announcement

For his birthday Jeremiah decided he wanted to give you the next family update. Jeremiah is going to be a big brother! His sibling is due to arrive early February. We are so excited to grow our family. There are several other married couples on staff with us at our inner city prayer room and ministry, Hope City, who are pregnant as well, so we are really excited to grow the House of Prayer through growing families! We are praying a believing for a healthy pregnancy and a full-term birth. Please pray with us. Also, pray for Theresa as morning sickness is taking its toll!

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